Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Here are 5 Ways to Lead Students to Career Services

Here are 5 Ways to Lead Students to Career Services In 2018, the fifth annual McGraw-Hill Future Workforce Survey revealed only four in 10 U.S. college students said they feel well-prepared for their future careers. This should come as a surprise due to the fact that college itself is a means to gain preparedness and employability. So, what gives? Part of the issue could be fewer than half of students take advantage of career services, such as career counseling. However, those who do use these services find them overwhelmingly helpful. Awareness is the clear culprit here. Even with a great ad campaign, students may not see career services as something for them. While others may be unaware career services are entirely free through their tuition. This can be especially true for students taking online classes with little chance to visit campus. Spread the word about the benefits of career services. Here are five tips to attract students in a way that makes your offerings seem like an absolute must-have in career preparedness: 1. Gather data about the success of your services A college degree isn’t the only thing getting recent graduates hired today. Professional experience such as internships, job shadowing, and volunteering is essential to full-time employment following graduation. In the previously shared McGraw-Hill study, 51 percent of respondents indicated they would like more internships and professional experiences. Enter, career services. Simply advertising your services isn’t going to be enough to bring in the students who need you most. Begin to share the success metrics for each of your tools and services. Even better, put a face to the success of career services. Share the stories of students who received interview guidance and landed their dream internships. Highlight alumni networking opportunities and those who have found success through the connections employers and students, alike. In a @MHEducation survey, only four in 10 U.S. college students said they feel well-prepared for their future careers.Click To Tweet 2. Gain support from professors When students don’t come directly to you, focus on how you can meet them where they are. Often, connecting with students can be done through the professors they trust. Make professors allies of career services by asking how to best support students and by finding areas where career services can assist in ensuring professional experience. Leverage student connections with trusted professors and faculty advisors who often act as career counselors. Partner with these professors or specific departments to host social media campaigns and contests. This is a chance to engage students in the tools and resources made available by career services. 3. Create a peer career counseling program A 2017 Gallup study found that the majority of students turn to their friends and family for advice about college and career planning. But this is only beneficial when their peers and family have expertise on the topics at hand. Take advantage of peer-to-peer trust for college students by training select individuals as student advisors. These students can act as support staff, as well as receive training to coach their peers through resume writing, interviewing, and more. But the biggest win when utilizing fellow students as peer advisors is the impact of a shared social network. Simply knowing someone who works at career services may be enough to get other students through the door.   Take advantage of peer-to-peer trust for college students by training select individuals as student advisors.Click To Tweet 4. Make career services a requirement For so many students, career services is merely an optional part of the college experience. But what if it was firmly embedded into the college curriculum? This could take place in various ways. For instance, career aptitude tests could be a mandatory part of the freshman-year curriculum. This would fit in neatly with a mandatory introductory appointment. There’s also the opportunity to require students junior status and above to utilize career services to prep for applying for internships. 5. Offer networking and mentorship opportunities with alumni Alumni are a fantastic resource for college students, whether they serve as a connection to job or internship opportunities or simply a sounding board for career guidance. Career services can act as a gateway to high-value alumni connections. Get creative when it comes to alumni-student opportunities. Instead of a standard networking event, consider hosting a speed-dating style gathering within career services. This could be a chance for students to get resume feedback and interview practice directly from alumni. Another example would by featuring pop-up mentoring opportunities throughout campus with well-known alumni.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Find a Job that Engages You to Spark Your Passion

Get a new Line of work that Engages You to Spark Your Passion Have you at any point felt discontent in your activity? Those minutes, where you believe, Is this what I got my over the top expensive degree for? Maybe it's simply that you thought it was going to 'feel' much improved, or 'be' extraordinary. Provided that this is true, you're not the only one. Forbes found that a New-York based charitable examination gathering, The Conference Board, reports throughout the previous eight years that the greater part of Americans are not fulfilled in their activity job. There are such a significant number of components that could add to misery in the working environment. What's more, ordinarily it's not only a certain something. Terrible correspondence with your chief, a lot of work, insufficient help. Here and there (thus ordinarily) it's the individuals you are around day by day. There are just such a significant number of days a year that one can deal with being around the 'debbie' killjoy! It's difficult to remain energetic in an inappropriate situation or carrying out a responsibility that doesn't line up with your energy. Some of the time you're in the correct activity and in an inappropriate organization. We like to utilize our abilities In the first place, know what your identity is and what you're acceptable at. What do you progress nicely? What assignments or things at work make you need to go to your activity? These are the things that you are most likely acceptable at and your objective is attempting to discover an ever increasing number of chances to hone your best. We will in general discover more vitality in things we do well than in things that we continually battle to achieve. Finding what you are normally acceptable at is a pleasant excursion. It can begin with a lifelong appraisal. We utilize the Disk evaluation and it can help assemble a structure for you. Aptitudes in addition to values rises to energy Second, what are your qualities? In what zones do you feel energetically? At the point when you coordinate ability with enthusiasm, this can be a very satisfying bearing. All in all, do you have the aptitude for making beautiful sites and an enthusiasm for aiding non-benefits? Do you have a skill for open talking and consistently been attracted to legislative issues? You get the thought! This is where you can dream once more. Commonly the reasons you are addressing on the off chance that we are in the correct vocation is on the grounds that we lost the fantasy. It got normal. Exhausting. Not energizing enough. What's more, you quit dreaming. Follow your impulses to the correct chances Third, in the event that we have a layout for what our identity is just as what we are acceptable at + where our qualities are, we work in the day by day objectives that satisfy it. During this procedure we by one way or another become open to circumstances that adjust. I've heard stories where customers state, it simply kind of occurred! or on the other hand it fell into my lap! Who doesn't need that? When we are eager to dream once more, the open doors are there. Look for and ye will discover. Simply make the following stride Make solid advances. You simply need to do the subsequent stage. It is anything but difficult to turn out to be very overpowered with all the data out there, even not spurred to take a gander at your resume and dreadful that there won't be whatever else for you. You simply need to do the following thing on your rundown, not plan out as long as you can remember in six meetings or three simple advances. Let me give you a model. A subsequent stage could be to call that business companion to set up an espresso meeting. Get some information about their interests and state what you are thinking as far as a lifelong change. It could mean exploring distinctive alumni programs. It could be messaging somebody on Linkedin to interface over lunch. It could mean having a sincere discussion with your chief. Let the way lead you. Your activity is getting open to the way that is sitting tight for you. Before breakfast Shaw|2017-04-21T18:19:03+00:00March seventeenth, 2015|Career Change|0 Comments

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Leave, Liberty, TDY, and Monetary Travel Benefits

Leave, Liberty, TDY, and Monetary Travel Benefits Leave, Liberty, TDY, and Monetary Travel Benefits Your first involvement in huge numbers of the freedom and leave advantages of military help will normally start after fundamental preparing. Be that as it may, if your essential preparing happens during the Christmas Holidays, you may find out about leave time in your initial barely any long periods of military help. During the fourteen days around Christmas time, the Army shuts down fundamental preparing and AIT schools. Different branches don't permit enlisted people to have leave or liberty. Recruits are normally permitted to return home on leave right now on the off chance that they need, regardless of whether it brings about going in the gap (having a contrary leave balance) on their leave balance. Enlisted people who decide not to take leave as of now, are typically alloted to do subtleties (answer telephones, cut the grass, and so on), in light of the fact that a large portion of the educators/military authoritarians will be away on leave, and classes are not directed during this time. Leave After Basic Training Except for the Marine Corps, who approves all volunteers to take 10 days of leave, quickly following training camp, one doesn't typically get their first military leave until they graduate specialized school/AIT/A-School. After specialized school/AIT/A-School, one is regularly approved to take 10 days of leave if their first task is to a stateside base, and 15 days of leave if their first task is to an abroad base. (Note: For incredibly long schools, longer leaves might be approved upon graduation). Leave (Vacation) Regardless of whether youre the most reduced enrolled rank or a 4-Star General (or Admiral), all military work force get a similar measure of excursion time. Military individuals get 30 days of paid leave every year, earned at the pace of 2.5 days of the month. Ordinary leave is affirmed/opposed by the individuals prompt director. Crisis leave (somebody in your close family passes on or is genuinely sick), is affirmed by the officer or first endless supply of the crisis (for the most part from the Red Cross). Aside from crisis leave, and Christmas Exodus, leaders are typically hesitant to affirm leave that hasnt been earned at this point. This is on the grounds that, under the law, if an individual is released (in any capacity whatsoever) and they have a negative leave balance, they should reimburse the military one days base compensation for every day they are strapped as of the date of the release. Leave is determined by the monetary year (1 October to 30 September). One is permitted to continue just a limit of 60 days from monetary year to financial year. (Note: Exceptions can be affirmed in the event that one can show that they were denied leave because of military need for irregular circumstances, for example, long haul arrangements). At the end of the day, in the event that you have 65 days of leave on the books on 30 September, 5 of those days will be lost when the schedule turns over to 1 October. Leave can be sold back at the hour of reenlistment and detachment/retirement. For every day of leave you have spared, you can sell it back for one days base compensation (available). One can just sell back a limit of 60 days of leave during a vocation. It doesn't need to be all at once. For instance, one could sell back ten days of leave during their first re-selection, at that point ten days during their next re-enrollment. Terminal Leave: Instead of selling leave upon your release, one can take terminal leave when they are released or resign. For instance, lets state you are booked to be released (or resigned) on 1 September, and you have 30 days of leave. You can out procedure from the military 30 days ahead of schedule, at that point keep on getting full compensation (counting base compensation, lodging remittance, food recompense, and any uncommon pays), until your official date of release. Freedom Pass: A take a break off otherwise called freedom. During a military individuals ordinary off the clock time, they are consequently viewed as on a Regular Pass. With a couple of exemptions, (for example, fundamental preparing, or stage limitations in specialized school), a military individual can leave the base when off the clock without unique consent. Another sort of pass is an extraordinary pass. A model would be the 3-day pass. These are exceptional passes given by the officer, first sergeant, or (some of the time) administrator for downtime, frequently given as an award for unrivaled execution. Typically, an exceptional pass can't be utilized consecutive with leave, and can't (as a rule) be utilized related to an end of the week or other planned off the clock time. Tolerant Temporary Duty Assignment (PTDY): Sometimes a military part needs to go to a gathering, class, or capacity that the military wont pay for, however which benefits the individual expertly (which in this manner benefits the military). In such cases, the officer can approve a Permissive TDY. Individuals on Permissive TDY don't get any movement pay or repayment (like they would for an official TDY) yet isnt charged against their leave. Note: If you are driving a vehicle or getting your own carrier ticket for TDY (Temporary Duty Assignment) travel, the rates are fundamentally more: Travel Rates for 2018 Technique Rate Per Mile Vehicle $0.54.5 Cruiser $0.51.5 Plane $1.21 AIT/Tech School/A-School When all is said in done, if your classes last longer than 20 weeks (at a solitary area), wards are approved to make a trip to the school area and set up a family unit at government cost (see First Duty Station Travel Entitlements, beneath). On the off chance that the length of the classes is under 20 weeks, government repaid transportation isn't approved, much of the time. Notwithstanding, wards are absolutely permitted to move, all alone, at their own cost. In either case, individuals in work school get a lodging remittance, in view of the genuine area of their wards. Its critical to recall that (aside from the Marines), leave isn't generally approved after fundamental preparing. This implies the wards would need to make the move totally all alone, without the individuals nearness. Be that as it may, on the off chance that they will be a military family, this is something they ought to become accustomed to. Moreover, the part is likely going to be confined to base during the initial segment of their preparation (for the most part, the initial 30 days or somewhere in the vicinity), so the wards may need to do all the house-chasing, to discover a spot to live. First Duty Station Travel Entitlements Travel Pay: When you graduate specialized school/AIT/A-school, the military will pay the approved expenses for you to go from your specialized school/AIT/A-school area to your next obligation task (or, to the port of your military trip for abroad assignments). There are two different ways that the military will do this (your decision): they will either give you a carrier ticket for a flight legitimately from your school area to the following obligation task (or port call), or they will pay you a mileage remittance in addition to routine set of expenses for every day you are in an approved travel status. Before you withdraw your school, you can visit Finance (with duplicates of your requests), and typically get a development (around 80 percent) of your assessed travel pay. Air Travel: Suppose you leave Base X, purchase a ticket home for $800, at that point purchase a ticket from home to Base Y for $300 (for an absolute use of $1,100)? All things considered, the military will pay you what it would have cost THEM to get you an aircraft ticket straightforwardly from Base X to Base Y. Lets expect that they would have paid $900.00. For this situation, you would be repaid $900, out of your complete $1,100 consumption. In the event that you travel abroad for a visit, the military will either transport or store your vehicle for you at no expense contingent upon the area of your PCS move.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Importance of Personal Branding - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

The Importance of Personal Branding - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Individual Branding has become the dominant focal point in 2009, and fittingly so. In business, a brand is everything that your clients think about you. Each contact they have with you assists with building that brand, positive or negative. As it identifies with individual marking, the financial occasions are making a tight employments market and rivalry is savage. Fortunately the social web gives an awesome dispersion and correspondence stage to empower anybody to make a brand character and stand apart from the group. Back to mark rudiments In case you're new to the idea of Personal Branding, a decent spot to begin is truly Branding 101. We should take a gander at the business world for techniques and strategies that mean your own marking endeavors. As a result of globalization and the serious idea of business today, about all enterprises are being compelled to mark intensely and be progressively key that they ever have previously. In this day and age, contenders can duplicate nearly anything very quickly or months. Any good thought will be replicated after a short time. It's for all intents and purposes ensured that someone won't just make a superior showing yet will sell the item or administration at a lower cost. The inquiry is at that point, What is my serious edge that can't be copied by any other individual? The response for any business is OUR BRAND. Some state that a brand is the one thing that you own that no one can detract from you.Everything else can be taken. Consider it â€" somebody can take your competitive innovations. Licenses in the long run terminate. Physical plants will wear out. Innovation will change. In any case, your image can persevere. It makes an enduring an incentive well beyond the various components of your business. Brand character Brands convey a character. From numerous points of view the character is significantly more genuine than different parts of the brand since it is the outstretched hand that contacts the buyer as a person. Consider Google, Starbucks, McDonalds. These brands character may offer the absolute most significant motivation behind why purchasers pick them over contending brands. Presently think Windows Vista or New Coke, and even Crocs. These brands character talk similarly as noisily, however not as well! Shouldn't something be said about your BRAND YOU? What is the character you need your image to pass on? You can start by addressing these inquiries: What is your BRAND YOU character? Who are your essential rivals and what is their image character? What can BRAND YOU offer that is extraordinary? Make it yours You have to claim your own image improvement. To start with, realize that the serious scene is wild and persistent. Second, realize that Brand YOU is the best weapon you have in beating the opposition to find the activity, or the key accomplice, or the financing you are looking for. Your marvelous training, network administration, heavenly foundation, and brilliant aptitudes are insufficient. YOU need to build up the brand and the brand character that will settle on BRAND YOU the main decision of those you need to impact. Nobody can remove that from you. Creator: Beverly Macy is Managing Partner at YM Partners LLC in Beverly Hills. She likewise instructs an online networking class at UCLA and is coordinator of the Gravity Summit occasion at UCLA February 25, 2009.